Paper: Police issue record number of traffic fines in 2019

The Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) issued a record number of traffic fines in 2019, at close to a quarter of a million.
The increase is due to standardized procedures and more mobile speed cameras, according to daily Postimees (link in Estonian), leading to an increase from less than 200,000 fines imposed on traffic offenders in 2018, to nearly quarter of a million in 2019.
Heiko Mihkelson, head of the PPA prevention and criminal investigation bureau, said last year the organization's personnel contributed significantly more to traffic control, hitting 27 percent more offenders.
The amount of time officers spent on traffic control also increased, from 450,901 hours in 2018 to 517,449 hours in 2019, with patrols' focus on speeding infringements accounting for just under 40 percent of police time spent on traffic regulations enforcement.
The actual average monetary amount of fines has been decreasing in recent years, however, the paper says – despite th egrowh in total fines issued, the total sums of fines paid was higher in 2015-2016, for example, than it is today.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte