Reform-Center coalition collapses in Valga

The Reform-Center coalition that had been in power in Valga Municipality since the 2017 local government elections has collapsed. Similarly to recent events in Tartu, the Reform Party launched talk for the formation of a new coalition with the Social Democratic Party (SDE), but also with councilmembers from Isamaa as well.
A spokesperson for Valga Municipality announced in a press release that the coalition's collapse was caused by the need, two years after the nationwide administrative reform, to review the municipality's management structure and update its management model, in connection with which the two parties in power could not come up with a solution suitable for both sides.
Reform has launched talks for the formation of a new coalition with the SDE and members of Isamaa.
"We will hold talks today so that we can reach a consensus regarding all circumstances related to the governance of the municipality," explained Valga Municipal Mayor Margus Lepik (Reform). "The coalition to be formed will be faced with several challenges, but I believe that we will be able to overcome them with the support of new partners."
"Valga Municipality's challenges have received an increasing amount of attention recently," said Meeli Tuubel, chairman of the Valga chapter of the SDE. "If one is critical, one must be prepared to take responsibility and do better as well."
Valga Municipal Council member Monika Rogenbaum (Isamaa) said that the current opposition's hard work has kept the municipal government informed of fields in need of improvement.
"The municipality needs less politics and more substantial decisions and the inclusion of various sides and experts," Rogenbaum said. "On that note, the opposition is also an expert. The municipal government must ensure proper administration with citizens and modern-day quality in the fulfillment of our functions."
The new coalition's goal is to improve the municipality's governance, implement open governance to a greater extent, and develop living both in town and in rural areas.
The exact makeup and leadership of the new coalition should become clear within the next few weeks.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla