State to pay €50,000 to family of caregiver who died of coronavirus

Government decided to pay out an emergency support sum of €50,000 to the family of a caregiver, who lost their life working in Kuressaare Hospital at the height of the pandemic.
On April 7, a caregiver working in Kuressaare Hospital died due to complications from COVID-19.
Although working in health care is considered to be an essential public sector job, employees in health care are not considered public service officials. Therefore, support paid out to the worker's family after their unfortunate passing does not extend to health care workers.
The government considered it justified to allocate money from the state reserves to support relatives of the health care worker. Support will be paid according to the average wage of health care workers in Estonia over 36 months.
Saaremaa became the epicenter of the disease in Estonia, with a positive test rate of 166.43 per 10,000 inhabitants. Kuressaare Hospital was hit hard by the disease, with many of the hospital staff diagnosed as well.
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Editor: Kristjan Kallaste