National Opera board to discuss director harassment allegations Thursday

The Estonian National Opera's (Rahvusooper) board is to meet Thursday to discuss the working environment at the Estonia Theater, home of the National Opera, and a report drawn up in the wake of allegations of sexual harassment made against opera director Aivar Mäe.
The Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) started its investigation into Mäe on June 26 following allegations in weekly Eesti Ekspress that Mäe he had behaved inappropriately towards women employees at the theater over an extended period of time.
Ivari Ilja, board chair at the National Opera, told ERR the report, conducted by an external mediator brought in for the process, has been completed and is ready for discussion.
A decision on the matter will be made on September 3, Ilja added, saying he could not comment on the content of the report ahead of Thursday's meeting.
Ilja also declined to comment on how many individuals had spoken to those conducting the trustees' report, and said he did not yet know if either Mäe or his lawyer would be present at the meeting.
"Aivar Mäe's participation is recommended, but if he sends his representative or takes him with him, then no one has anything against it," said Ilja.
The National Opera's board had requested the use of an external mediator who both current and past opera house employees could turn to in confidence.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte