Paper: Regular flights at Tartu Airport not expected to return before 2022

The return of regular scheduled flights at Tartu Airport is not expected before next year and the airport will continue operating in one shift with arrivals and departures outside of working hours needing special agreements.
After Finnish airline Finnair suspended all flights to Estonia during the coronavirus emergency situation in the March of 2020, Tartu Airport has maintained nine workers on staff regardless of minimal activity at the airport, regional daily Tartu Postimees writes (link in Estonian).
Eero Pärgmäe, commercial manager of Tallinn Airport, which manages Tartu Airport, noted that while communication with Finnair is regular, it is complicated to restore flights to Tartu since there is not business demand.
"I would not hope for flights to return this fall, there are no flights between capitals, there is nothing anywhere," Pärgmäe said. "If the vaccination campaign goes well and demand returns in fall, we can discuss the topic and if we really need the line, we must think of some support measures."
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Editor: Kristjan Kallaste