Competition Authority launches review procedure over Saaremaa blackout
On Tuesday, the Competition Authority (Konkurentsiamet) initiated a review procedure against electricity distribution system operator Elektrilevi, following the large-scale power outage on Saaremaa.
According to Külli Haab, head of the Competition Authority's regulatory division, the aim of the procedure is to establish the causes of the large-scale power outages.
"The investigation is to clarify whether Elektrilevi has properly fulfilled its obligations under the Electricity Market Act, including the obligation to maintain the (power) lines," Haab said.
The sporadic outages on the islands began overnight on Saturday, as heavy snowfall hit western Estonia. On Sunday morning, 4,442 household consumers in Saaremaa were left without electricity, with that number increasing to around 6,000 on Monday.
18 Elektrilevi repair crews are now working on restoring power to those households on Saaremaa, which are currently experiencing blackouts.
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Editor: Michael Cole