Kallas: Together we have come further than we could ever have gone alone

Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (Reforms) and members of the government participated in a flag hoisting ceremony in the Freedom Square to celebrate Europe Day and the 20th anniversary of Estonia's accession to the European Union and NATO.
According to the prime minister, the European Union has given a lot to Estonia. "We know from experience how important it is to have allies and friends. Thanks to our membership of the European Union and NATO, we will never again have to pay the heavy price of being alone. As a member of both NATO and the European Union, our military defence capabilities are stronger than ever. We have been able to make significant investments in our state and infrastructure and thanks to our membership of the European internal market, we have vastly expanded our economic opportunities, supported innovation and opened the doors to Estonian entrepreneurs and products all over Europe," Kallas noted.
Over the past 20 years, Estonia has also been actively shaping Europe. "Our story is a good example of how a small country can achieve greatness on the global stage," said Kallas. "We are heard and seen extremely well today and our allies view us as reliable partners whose opinions are taken into account. This experience will now allow us to help other countries, including Ukraine, on their way to the European Union," said the prime minister, acknowledging everyone who has worked hard to achieve this.
According to the prime minister, the European Union is more united and stronger than ever before. "Together we have come further than we could ever have gone alone," said Kallas.
Before the flag ceremony, the prime minister also presented the European of the Year award to Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Kusti Salm and the European of the Years award to President Toomas Hendrik Ilves in Vabamu Museum.
After the flag ceremony, the prime minister will welcome all the guests, including Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, who is visiting Estonia, in the courtyard of the Stenbock House.
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Editor: Kristina Kersa