Kose-Võõba highway section on new Tartu maantee to be opened in August

The four-lane highway section of the freshly constructed Tallinn-Tartu maantee between Kose and Võõbu will be opened for traffic in August.
The public relations department of the Road Administration did not specify a date for when the section will be opened but did confirm that it will happen in August.
The Kose-Võõbu section of Tallinn-Tartu Highway will be the first in Estonia to allow for a speed limit of 120 km/h.
According to the Road Administration, the 12.7-kilometer Kose-Ardu section cost €86.12 million and the 15.3-kilometer Ardu-Võõbu section €60.14 million.
Construction on the Võõbu-Mäo 18-kilometer section of the highway started on June 6 and the price of construction on the section is €58 million.
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Editor: Kristjan Kallaste