Seven fireworks displays to be held across Tallinn on New Year's Eve
Fireworks will be organized across the Estonian capital on New Year's Eve to make sure crowds are dispursed and safe, Tallinn City Government has said.
For the second year in a row, the traditional end-of-year concert and fireworks display will not take place on Vabaduse Väljak (Freedom Square).
Instead, there will be seven displays in Tallinn's districts, so everyone can enjoy the fireworks near their homes or even from their windows.
Municipal Police officers and security companies will help to ensure security at fireworks displays organized by the districts, the city government said. The organizers will also make sure that any debris leftover from the fireworks is cleaned up.
In the City Center, the fireworks will be held on Inglirand on Reid Road. The fireworks show can be safely observed along the entire beach promenade and from further afield.
In Pirita, the fireworks will be launched from the TV tower.
There will be two displays in Lasnamäe, one near the Kotka shopping centre and the other in Tondiloo Park.
In Haabersti, the display is traditionally held by the Õismäe pond, in Mustamäe by Parditiik (Duck Pond) and in Põhja-Tallinn at Stroomi beach.
There are no separate fireworks displays in Kristiine and Nõmme districts.
Mayor of Tallinn Mihhail Kõlvart (Center) said: "I would also like to call on the citizens not to organize fireworks on their own and enjoy the spectacular displays, which will be carried out safely by professionals. This will ensure people's safety and the well-being of their pets, as well as keeping the environment cleaner."
Agnes Blank, marketing and communications manager of the Estonian Society for Animal Welfare, added that flashes and bangs are frightening for many animals and can make them behave unpredictably.
"Let's consider each other and spend the holidays in an animal-friendly way!" she said.
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Editor: Helen Wright