Ratings: EKRE most popular party

The Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) passed Reform in this week's Norstat ratings becoming the most popular party. Eesti 200's support is at a record high.
The results show 24 percent of respondents prefer EKRE, 21.6 percent the Reform Party and Center is the third most popular party with 20.8 percent.
EKRE saw a rise of 1.5 percent while Reform's support fell by 2.2 percent. Center's result was similar to the week before.
Non-parliamentary party Eesti 200 was the preferred party of 17 percent of respondents, followed by the Social Democratic Party (SDE) on 7.7 percent and Isamaa with 6.7 percent. The Greens polled 1.6 percent.
Political scientist Martin Mölder told newspaper Postimees Reform's support has not been this low since the beginning of 2019.
Norstat combined four weeks' worth of polling to get the result and Reform is on a downward trend. "The Reform Party's support fell to 18.2 percent this week and was almost 10 percent lower than at the start of the year," Mölder said.
In total, 42.4 percent of respondents support the coalition Reform and Center parties and 38.4 percent prefer opposition parties.
Reform slides to third place in Tartu
The Reform Party, which has been the most popular party in Tartu for 25 years, has fallen to third place, Norstat's poll shows.
Tartu Postimees wrote on Wednesday that, according to this week's results, EKRE leads with 23.6 percent, Eesti 200 with 20.6 percent and Reform follows on 19.8 percent.
Chairman of the EKRE Tartu district Silver Kuusik said for the first time in more than two decades Reform is not the most popular party in Estonia's second-biggest city.
Following the top three, SDE has 13.2 percent, Center 10 percent and Isamaa 8.8 percent.

While support for Reform may have fallen in recent weeks, it is the biggest party in Tartu's local government coalition with the SDE.
The latest aggregate results reflect the survey period January 5-31 and a total of 4006 Estonian citizens of voting age were interviewed by phone and online.
The margin of error depends on the proportion of the largest group. The largest group in this survey were EKRE supporters and the error rate is +/- 1.32 percent. The error rate is lower for other parties, for example, +/- 0.77 percent for the Isamaa.
The survey was carried out by MTÜ Ühiskonnauuringute Instituut and Norstat AS.
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Editor: Helen Wright