Party ratings: Isamaa gradually building support
Compared with pre-Midsummer numbers, support for Estonia's three most popular parties hasn't changed much. Isamaa, meanwhile, is continuing to see its rating rise, it appears from the results of the latest survey commissioned by the NGO Institute for Societal Studies and conducted by Norstat.
According to the latest results, 34 percent of voting-aged citizens of Estonia support the Reform Party, 21.1 percent the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE), and 17.8 percent the Center Party.
The results of the past month indicate that Reform's rise in popularity has clearly halted, while EKRE has managed to improve its own somewhat; compared with the end of May, support for the latter had gone up by 1.7 percentage points. Support for Center, meanwhile, has remained steady around 17-18 percent over the past month.
Following the top three in popularity are the nonparliamentary Eesti 200 at 9.9 percent, Isamaa at 7.7 percent and Social Democratic Party (SDE) at 6.5 percent.
Support for Isamaa thus remains on the rise, having improved by a total of 2.9 percentage points since the second half of April. Support for Eesti 200, meanwhile, fell below 10 percent for the first time since November 2020.
Norstat concentrates on the last four weeks' aggregate results, which brings the sample total to 4,0001 voting-aged Estonian citizens. The latest results reflect a period from June 1 through July 4.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla