Eesti Laul 2024 finalists announced

Five songs that will go directly to the finals of Eesti Laul 2024 were selected by a 41-member jury on Tuesday. All contestants have now been revealed.
The five finalists are listed below in alphabetical order
Brother Apollo "Bad Boy"
Authors: Erkki Sippel, Joseph Miettinen
Carlos Ukareda "Never Growing Up"
Author: Carlos Ukareda
Daniel Levi "Over the Moon"
Authors: Daniel Levi Viinalass, Victor Crone, Vallo Kikas
Nele-Liis Vaiksoo "Käte ümber jää"
Authors: Peter Põder, Allan Kasuk, Nele-Liis Vaiksoo, Marek Sadam
Uudo Sepp, Sarah Murray "Still Love"
Authors: Liis Hainla, Uudo Sepp, Joel Sundkvist, Aleksi Wiklund
Additionally, 15 songs were selected for the semi-final yesterday which will take place on January 20 in Tartu.
The winners will then join the five contestants selected today in the final on Feburary 17 in Tallinn.
The songs will be broadcast for the first time on December 8.
The selection process changed this year and the jury included composers and artists, radio and television professionals, producers, teachers, and music lovers.
This article was updated to add the gallery.
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Editor: Neit-Eerik Nestor, Helen Wright