Nationwide Christmas peace proclaimed in Jõgeva

Nationwide Christmas peace was declared in Jõgeva by Bishop Marko Tiitus of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELK) on Sunday.
Bishop Tiitus and Riigikogu Speaker Lauri Hussar (Eesti 200) lit the Christmas peace flame, which locals could take home using their own lanterns or candles.
This marked the 19th time that Christmas peace has been proclaimed in Jõgeva. The event is always held on the third Advent Sunday.
"I invite us all to be recipients, givers, and sharers of God's perfect love in this imperfect, unfinished world. I call on us to be happy, joyful, and grateful — not in some dream world, but right here and now, at this moment in time, here in Estonia, during this Christmas season. And with the authority entrusted to me by Christ's church according to God's will, I declare Christmas peace across all of Estonia and its people," Tiitus said.
Christmas peace is also declared on December 24 in Tallinn and Tartu, at the start of the holiday period. It runs through the 12 days of Christmas, with January 6 as the last day.
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Editor: Merili Nael, Helen Wright
Source: Aktuaalne kaamera