President calls prime minister for crisis meeting
President Kersti Kaljulaid has summoned Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Centre) for a crisis meeting, after a governmental split over the status of Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) chief Elmar Vaher.
According to daily Õhtuleht (link in Estonian), a time for the meeting has not been set yet, but the president wishes to be up to speed on developments which have seen interior minister Mart Helme (EKRE) demand Vaher's resignation, while the prime minister has expressed confidence in the PPA chief.
"The most important thing is that Estonia has a state governed by the rule of law and certain laws are in force," said presidential press officer Taavi Linnamäe.
Linnamäe added that no firm time had been set for the summit, and that Vaher had "started a completely ordinary (working) day," according to the daily.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte