Prime minister orders coronavirus home quarantine, police to monitor

Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center), who is overall manager of the government's emergency situation imposed in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, has issued an order forbidding those diagnosed with coronavirus, and those cohabiting or residing with a diagnosed individual, from leaving home, until recovery.
Regulations had been in place requiring those confirmed with the virus, those living with them, and even those who had come into contact with a confirmed case, to self-quarantine for 14 days. The new order tightens up that stricture, however, and comes into effect immediately, for those infected with the virus, and on Saturday for those living with individuals who exhibit symptoms or are confirmed cases, ERR's online news in Estonian reports.
The government office said that the restrictions on freedom of movement are essential for protecting health and upholding the overriding public interest in countering the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus.
An infected individual may only leave their home or the place they are staying at when directed to by a healthcare professional or the police, or in the event of an emergency endangering their life or health.
Family member of the sick person or person permanently residing in the same place of residence as the sick person.
A family member of an individual with the virus who exhibits no symptoms of coronavirus may only leave their place of residence in the following cases:
- In the performance of their duties, e.g. if they are a healthcare professional or provide other public services or emergency services;
- The purchase of essential supplies for daily living, provided they are procured in the vicinity of the place of residence or stay and are not otherwise available.
The family member exhibiting no symptoms of coronavirus must keep with them their ID document, closely monitor their health and follow the "2+2" rule – no more than two people should congregate in a public place and people must maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from others.
The family member exhibiting no symptoms of coronavirus must keep with them their ID document, closely monitor their health and follow the "2+2" rule – no more than two people should congregate in a public place and people must maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from others.
Those exhibiting no symptoms of coronavirus and not living with a person exhibiting symptoms or who is a confirmed case may leave their residence, also maintaining the 2+2 rule.
Local government assistance mandatory
Under the prime minister's edict, a local authority must arrange for assistance to be provided to its residents who have no way of getting everyday essentials, due to the coronavirus.
Police supervision
The Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) will enforce the requirements and will exchange data with the Health Board for this person. Anyone failing to comply with the order will be issued a precept which, if not adhered to, will be followed by a fine of up to €2,000.
Entry into force of the order
Those suffering from the coronavirus must remain in strict home isolation from today, Thursday, March 26. The stricter regime including the restraints on those living with coronavirus cases come into force on Saturday, March 28, and will remain in force until further notice. The regulations will be reevaluated at least every two weeks.
Editor: Andrew Whyte