Gallery: SDE talks marriage referendum at party meeting

The opposition Social Democratic Party (SDE) held a governing council meeting Saturday, where the party discussed the coalition's plan to hold a referendum on same-sex marriage to coincide with the local elections in autumn of 2021.
The meeting took place at a restaurant in Tallinn's Telliskivi area, with delegates able to take advantage of the unusually warm weather to hold the event in the restaurant's garden.
Party leader Indrek Saar gave the welcome speech, with former Riigikogu speaker Eiki Nestor also addressing the gathering. Other prominent SDE attendees included former health minister Riina Sikkut, former party leader Jevgeni Ossinovski and MP and local historian Jaak Juske.
The party's youth wing recently called for the constitution to define marriage as a gender-neutral union of two persons, as compared with the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) desire to have the definition constitutionally enshrined as between one man and one woman.
Currently, the constitution contains no reference to a marriage definition, though the Family Law Act defines marriage as between a man and a woman in its very opening section. Proponents of writing this definition into the constitution say that European Union law could potentially trump domestic legislation on the issue.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte