Ratings: EKRE support falls to 13 percent

According to the latest surver results of market research firm Kantar Emor, public support for the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) has fallen to 13 percent, the same as it was in May of 2017.
The most popular party in the month of September was Reform, who received the support of 32 percent of all respondents, two percentage points up from August. September's 32 percent is the highest result the opposition party has seen in Emor's ratings this year.
According to Kantar Emor, if Riigikogu elections were to happen today, the prime minister's Center Party would receive 18 percent of votes, up one point from August.
In accordance with recent rankings published by pollsters Norstat and Turu-Uuringute AS, support for EKRE dropped in September, even lower than that of the other firms. Just 13 percent of respondents said they would vote for the coalition party, if elections were to take place today.
EKRE's support for September equals that of Eesti 200's and the Social Democratic Party's, with 13 and 12 percent respectively.
The smallest of the three coalition parties (Center, EKRE, Isamaa), Isamaa, has been in a battle over the last few months to exceed the electoral threshold of 5 percent, sitting at 6 percent for September.
The Estonian Greens received 3 percent support for September. The Estonian Party for the Future (TULE), a result of a merger between the Estonian Free Party and the Biodiversity Party, saw 2 percent support for September.
A graph of Kantar Emor's ratings is available below in Estonian. The question reads: If Riigikogu elections were to take place tomorrow and the following parties would be available for voting, who would You vote for?
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Editor: Kristjan Kallaste