In case you missed it: September 19-25

With readers often having hectic lifestyles, it can be easy to miss what's been going on in Estonia over the past week. Here's a snapshot of some of the highlights.
Tourists from Estonia cannot visit Finland from Monday
The Finnish government decided on Thursday that travelers from Estonia can only enter Finland to return to the country, work, transit or for an unavoidable reason from September 28. While Estonia is on Finland's restricted list, tourists cannot travel to the country.
Ida-Viru County in the midst of recent surge of coronavirus cases
Ida-Viru County's Jõhvi and Kohtla-Järve regions continue to be the most affected by the recent surge in coronavirus cases and the Health Board (Terviseamet) considers stopping the virus from spreading in education institutions as the most important challenge over the coming weeks.
Estonia bans direct flights to Sweden, Norway again
Direct flights between Estonia and Sweden are canceled again, and to and from Norway, due to rising coronavirus rates in those countries.
Estonia could be fined for not introducing 'hate speech' legislation
Estonia may be fined by the European Commission for not introducing legislation which criminalizes hate speech. The European Union agreed to introduce the measures in 2008, but Estonia has not yet done so.
Reluctance of EKRE leaders keeping government from helping Belarusians
The subject matter of "helping the people of Belarus" that has been bounced from one ministry to another so far should land on the government's desk on Thursday, ERR journalist Toomas Sildam writes.
Memorial unveiled to those who perished in autumn 1944 seaborne evacuations
A memorial to Estonians who died fleeing their country by sea in 1944 in the face of invading Soviet forces was formally unveiled on Puise beach, Lääne County, Saturday.
Gallery: 'Boat of Tears' remembers 75,000 Estonians who fled by sea in 1944
A temporary installation inVabaduse väljak in Tallinn also commemorated this event.
Personal family doctor referral no longer necessary for coronavirus testing
With rising coronavirus rates and the approaching traditional flu season, those wanting to get a COVID-19 test can do so with a referral from any family doctor, and not just the doctor they are registered with.
Gallery: Louis Freeh attends Riigikogu special committee meeting
Louis Freeh, the U.S. lawyer and former FBI chief, whose hiring by finance minister Martin Helme (EKRE) in summer met with controversy, made a surprise visit to Estonia at the beginning of the week, appearing before two Riigikogu committees to answer questions on the deal. Freeh is to represent Estonia in U.S. money laundering hearings.
President to UN: Pandemic brings global tech, governance opportunities
President Kersti Kaljulaid appeared via live-link at both the UN General Assembly's 75th meeting, and a UN Security Council (UNSC) summit, talking about opportunities and threats post-COVID-19. Estonia hold a non-permanent UNSC seat for 2020-2021.
Government restricts number of people at indoor events to 750
From Tuesday, September 29, the maximum number of people permitted at indoor events will be 750, the government announced this week.
Pealtnägija: Ski coach Alaver was 'the general' of illegal doping scene
ERR was able to obtain court documents from disgraced former national ski coach Mati Alaver's Harju County Court hearing last November, which revealed that far from being a mere facilitator as he had previously told ERR, Alaver was at the center of an international ski doping ring, and carried a number of pseudonyms, including "the general".
Nationwide alcohol sales ban in force from midnight Thursday
A ban on late-night alcohol sales which had been in place in Harju County, including Tallinn, and Ida-Viru County, was rolled out nationwide from Friday, by government order.
Reform, SDE's motion of no confidence vote against Helme fails
The motion of no confidence initiated by the Riigikogu's opposition parties on Wednesday against the Minister of Finance Martin Helme (EKRE) failed.
PM on marriage referendum: I don't support a vote that is unconstitutional
When asked by opposition MPs for comment on a plan of the Estonian Conservative People's Party (EKRE) to stage a referendum on the definition of marriage, Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center) said that he will not support the conduct of a referendum that is contrary to the Constitution.
Norstat ratings: Isamaa's support falls below 5 percent election threshold
Coalition party Isamaa's level of support fell below the 5 percent electoral threshold this week, new polling from Norstat and the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues (MTÜ Ühiskonnauuringute Instituut) shows. EKRE's decline continues.
The city of Narva in Ida-Viru County was handed the title of autumn capital on Tuesday, taking over from summer capital Pärnu. Autumn officially started on September 22.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte, Helen Wright