President in self-quarantine for second time, tests negative for COVID-19

President Kersti Kaljulaid is in self-quarantine after being in close contact with an individual who later tested positive for the coronavirus. The news comes one day after Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center) announced that he, too, was isolating, for the same reason.
The president wrote on her social media account Friday afternoon that she had discovered earlier that day that she had been in close contact with the individual, during the course of work. The contact came earlier in a week where the president traveled to Italy on an official visit.
She wrote: "I am also considered a close contact, meaning I am in self-isolation following the instructions of the Health Board, and all face-to-face meetings planned for this and the next must unfortunately be canceled."
The president added that she had already taken a coronavirus test and returned negative, and was feeling fine.
This is the second time the president has had to self-quarantine after encountering, through her work, an individual who later tested positive for COVID-19. Last month, on a work trip to Viljandi County, she and her office had had to isolate, for the same reason.
The president was outside Estonia – to Italy – this week, meeting Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, returning to Estonia Thursday.
Jüri Ratas is in quarantine after being notified that he had been in close contact with someone who later tested positive for COVID-19. Ratas had to cut short an official visit to Ida-Viru County on hearing the news.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte