Prime minister in isolation following coronavirus contact

Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center) must self-quarantine after coming into close contact with a coronavirus carrier recently, he announced Friday.
Ratas, who was on a visit to Ida-Viru County when he received notification, said: "I just got word that I had come into contact, via work, with an individual on Wednesday, December 2, and I found out today (Friday - ed.) that that person is COVID-19 -positive."
Ratas said that the meeting had lasted around 18 minutes, and both he and his interlocutor, who subsequently tested positive for coronavirus, had been wearing face-masks.
After consulting with the Health Board (Terviseamet), the prime minister said he opted to remain in isolation.
"I will immediately cancel the visit to Ida-Virumaa and attend a test to make sure that my meetings today had not carried infection risk for others [that he had met Friday]. Next, I will remain in isolation and follow all further Health Board instructions," Ratas noted.
President Kersti Kaljulaid had to self-isolate last month following a trip to Viljandi County where she came into contact with an individual who later tested positive for COVID-19. The president did not contract the virus herself.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte