Gallery: EKRE, Isamaa hold council meetings on Saturday
The councils of the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) and Isamaa gathered on Saturday (April 2).
The EKRE council met in Tallinn and Chairman Martin Helme was expected to give an overview of defense and security issues and the council will adopt a political statement.
The council includes the honorary chairman, chairman and deputy chairmen of the party as well as members of the Riigikogu, local councils and associations.
Meanwhile, Isamaa's council gathered in Tartu and adopted a statement supporting initiatives to end Russia's war in Ukraine and to prevent potential security threats in Estonia.
Chairman Helir-Valdor Seeder there is no place in Estonia for people seeking to defend or justify Russian aggression.
"Russia's propaganda channels have finally been blocked on Isamaa's initiative. Now the next steps must be taken. Russian and Belarusian citizens' weapons licenses must be suspended and issuing residence permits and visas to those who justify Russian aggression must be stopped," he said.
In its political statement, the council supported the decisions of the University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology to temporarily suspend applications for Russian and Belarusian students for the 2022/2023 academic year.
This article was updated to add information about Isamaa's meeting.
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Editor: Helen Wright