Greens: Nuclear energy threat to security
The council of the non-parliamentary Estonian Greens has sent a letter to the government where it describes nuclear energy as a serious security threat in light of the Ukraine conflict and asks the government to cease all relevant activities.
"Nuclear energy is a serious security risk. The Estonian Greens demand attention be paid to potential nuclear disaster scenarios in connection with nuclear power plants and nuclear waste storage sites in Ukraine. Hostilities around Ukrainian nuclear facilities, following the Russian Federation's military aggression, could put at risk people's lives and health in Ukraine and other countries due to the chance of radioactive fallout caused by fighting," the address reads.
"Nuclear waste, the movement of which is virtually untraceable today, could be used to create dirty bombs. Ukrainian authorities have said that over 100 samples of highly radioactive material that is deadly if not properly handled were stolen from Chernobyl during the Russian occupation. It is presently unknown what happened to these extremely dangerous materials. While this level of anarchy at a nuclear site is unprecedented, it could happen again in situations where there is fighting around nuclear plants or storage facilities," the Greens added.
"In this light, the Estonian Greens ask the government to cease all manner of activities aimed at constructing a nuclear power plant in Estonia, the party's council said in its address.
The Greens described a nuclear plant and spent nuclear fuel as extreme risks in the case of war and a potential target for terrorism.
Russian troops have attacked nuclear sites in Ukraine because the defenders dare not fire on them.
The Greens find that the government and ministries' activities should be aimed at developing safe renewable energy, including wind, solar and hydrogen solutions.
"Estonia's national security depends on independent and scattered energy," the party added.
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Editor: Marcus Turovski