Bank of Estonia: Q4 sees biggest yet voluntary pension fund contributions

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the overall volume of investment and pension fund assets in Estonia increased by 6 percent over the quarter and 26 percent on year to €7.6 billion, with the fastest growth recorded in voluntary pension funds, which were up 17 percent over the quarter and 43 percent on year to total €616 million, according to a quarterly statistical release published by the Bank of Estonia on Wednesday.
Statistics published quarterly
The Bank of Estonia's statistical release describes the main changes in statistics for investment and pension funds, including covering the volume and structure of assets and liabilities as well as the amounts paid into and withdrawn from funds.
This statistical release is independent of economic policy releases and presented separately.
The central bank will publish the statistics on funds for the first quarter of 2024 in May.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla