Lux the police dog making progress in training

ETV morning show "Terevisioon" was paid another visit this week by Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) dog Lux, the youngest of the PPA dog team's kennel, for a catch up on how his training is going.
Aare Sepper, dog handler at the PPA's North Prefecture dog group and Lux's handler, said the puppy's "obedience training is currently underway, he has received basic knowledge of tracking and has started marking."
"Marking means that if the dog finds some kind of object, or is given a task to find something, he remains standing by it once located. He will not then go and start playing with it," Sepper went on.
Lux has a complex character and at present still tends to immediately start biting if he doesn't get what he want, Sepper continued. This behavior still needs to be ironed out, save for in the case of actual criminals.
Sepper and Lux were actually making their second appearance in the "Terevisioon" studio. The first had been on February 16, when Lux was only two months old.
Lux should have completed his obedience training, have gotten a feel for tracking, and learned to mark properly, within around six months from now, Sepper added.
The original "Terevisioon" slot is below.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte, Annika Remmel
Source: 'Terevisioon,' interviewers Liisu Lass, Juhan Kilumets.