Christmas Peace proclaimed in Tallinn

The traditional Christmas peace (jõulurahu) was declared in Tallinn and Tartu at noon on Tuesday (December 24), Christmas Eve, marking the start of the holiday period.
In Tallinn, Chair of Tallinn City Council Toomas Kruusimägi (Reform) made the announcement by reading the historic Christmas Peace message from the Town Hall window in the Old Town (Vanalinn) as per tradition.
"Over 360 years ago, the following commands were issued in this very square, and they will continue to resonate for our children and grandchildren in the Republic of Estonia today and forever. I proclaim Christmas Peace in the words of Queen Christina: Tomorrow, if it pleases God, marks the gracious birthday of our Lord and Redeemer. Therefore, let universal Christmas Peace now be declared, and let all involved be called to celebrate this holy day with appropriate reverence and to conduct themselves peacefully and respectfully. Whoever violates this peace through unlawful or inappropriate behavior breaks Christmas Peace and, with aggravating circumstances, makes themselves culpable and subject to punishment, as prescribed by law and regulations for everyone. Lastly, may all the city's inhabitants be wished joyful Christmas holidays and Christmas Peace, which shall endure throughout the city until St. Knut's Day on January 13," Kruusimägi said.

In Tartu, Mayor Urmas Klaas (Reform) and Bishop Joel Luhamets will carry out the act on Raekoja plats.
The tradition of declaring Christmas Peace dates back to the 17th century during the reign of Swedish Queen Christina.
According to tradition, the declaration is made by the city secretary or mayor, represented this year by the Chair of the City Council. The declaration is customarily made at noon on Christmas Eve.
President Lennart Meri reintroduced the tradition in reindependent Estonia in 1993.
This article was updated to add details about the event in Tartu, and again to add photographs.
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Editor: Michael Cole, Helen Wright