Party ratings: Isamaa's popularity continues to grow

Opposition party Isamaa's support continues to grow and has risen by more than 4 percent since mid-December, data from pollster Norstat and Ühiskonnauuringute Instituut shows.
The party is the most popular among 31 percent of Estonian citizens, an increase of 1.2 percentage points over the last week.
Reform, the largest party in the coalition, and the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) are in second and third place separated by only 1 percentage point.
Support for Reform in the most recent survey is 17 percent, while EKRE's is 16 percent.
Compared to early December, support for the Reform Party has declined by 3.5 percentage points.
Following the top three parties, Center is on 14.3 percent and the Social Democratic Party (SDE) is supported by 11.5 percent of respondents.
Support for coalition member Eesti 200 has fallen to 2.6 percent.
In total, the coalition parties are supported by 31.1 percent of respondents, while the opposition parties receive 61.3 percent support.
This is the lowest level of support for the government since the start of 2019.
Once a month, in addition to party preferences, respondents are asked for their opinions on the government's and the prime minister's performance.
According to the latest results, 27 percent of respondents believe that the government is doing its job very well or rather well, while 68 percent think that the government is performing rather poorly or very poorly.
Looking at Prime Minister Kristen Michal's (Reform) performance, 27 percent of respondents approve, while 49 percent disapprove of how he is handling his role.
The data covers four weeks from January 16 to February 2 and 4,001 voting age citizens were polled by phone and online.
The margin of error differs among parties ranging from +/-1.77 percentage points for Isamaa to +/-0.61 percentage points for Eesti 200.
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Editor: Helen Wright