President and prime minister both to miss Tartu university centennial event
Neither President Kersti Kaljulaid nor Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Centre) can attend Sunday's University of Tartu national university centenary celebrations, ERR reports.
While the University of Tartu was founded in 1632, the university became an Estonian-language institution in 1919.
While guests from worldwide are set to attend the event, Estonia's top two leaders have prior commitments, ERR reports, citing regional daily Tartu Postimees.
President Kaljulaid has work duties abroad, ERR reports, and Jüri Ratas is attending the UN's climate change conference in Madrid, Spain on Sunday.
The university is, however, having a government visit to the university on Dec. 5, a government spokesperson said.
Since Riigikogu speaker Henn Põlluaas (EKRE) is attending the Baltic Assembly in Riga going into the weekend, it is unlikely he will be at the University of Tartu event either, ERR reports.
President Kaljulaid was in Rome Thursday, where she met with Pope Francis.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte