Wind farm developers holding joint press conference

Estonian private sector wind-farm developers, including those behind the Aidu wind park, are holding a joint press conference at 12.30 p.m. on Friday.
Representatives of the Neugrund (off the north-west Estonian coast), Aidu , Päite-Vaivina, Varja and Vaivara wind farms (all in Ida-Viru County) are to speak; the developers say that if all their plans were realized, the output of Estonian wind farms per year would increase tenfold.
The backdrop of the conference is an ongoing battle between the owners of the Aidu wind farm, Oleg and Andres Sõnajalg, and various authorities, in particular the Consumer Protection and Technical Surveillance Authority (TTJA) which wants to reduce the dimensions of wind turbines the Sõnajalgs have already erected at the site in Ida-Vriu County, on the grounds they interfere with defense ministry radar.
The Sõnajalgs have enlisted the help of finance minster Martin Helme (EKRE) in their struggle with the TTJA and others; a recent Supreme Court ruling said that construction permits the Sõnajalgs held were valid – the subject of a long running battle stretching back to at least 2016 – and the pair are also seeking damages of €123.7 million for the two-and-a-half years the wind farm was inactive as a result of various conflicts with local authorities and the ministry of defence.
Wind farm developers on the island of Hiiumaa have also faced opposition.
State-owned electricity generator Eesti Energia, via its renewable subsidiary Enefit Green, operates a total of 20 wind farms, with altogether 165 turbines.
Viewers with Estonian can watch the press conference starting at 12.30 p.m. here.
Editor: Andrew Whyte