Health Board: More than 2,000 cases of COVID-19 diagnosed last week
As of Monday morning, a total of 133 people in Estonia are currently hospitalized with COVID-19. In all, 2,007 COVID tests turned up positive last week, with 117 cases registered in hospitals, and another 2,400 new cases can be expected this week, the Health Board said in its weekly forecast.
According to Olga Sadikova, chief specialist at the Health Board's Influenza Center, 2,007 of 8,487 COVID tests analyzed last week turned up positive, among them at a rate of more than 50 percent in those over the age of 60.
"Compared with last week, [COVID] morbidity increased by 28 percent," Sadikova said. "We can expect a little more than 2,400 new infections this week."
The Health Board specialist noted that the reproduction number, R, has remained steady around 1.2. According to the risk matrix based on the number of hospitalizations, the risk of the spread of coronavirus in Estonia is currently at the yellow or medium level.
According to the 7-day moving average, the number of people hospitalized due to COVID is on the rise, increasing from 6.9 to 8.7. As of Monday morning, 133 people are hospitalized, 66 of whom are hospitalized due to symptomatic COVID. The number of hospitalizations is expected to increase to more than 150 this week.
Eight people died due to COVID last week, ranging in age from 42-90.
Overall vaccination rate 63.8 percent
Between Monday, July 18 and Sunday, July 24, a total of 2,609 COVID vaccine doses were administered across Estonia, including 315 initial doses.
In all, 464,845 people have received additional or booster doses, putting Estonia's overall vaccination rate with two or more doses at 63.8 percent.
The results of wastewater monitoring last week indicate that the overall spread of the COVID-19 virus is currently at 70 percent, placing it at the yellow or medium risk level.
Compared to previous weeks, however, the number of settlements at the green or low risk level has decreased, while the number of settlements at the orange or high risk level has increased.
The highest levels of COVID-19 virus particles were detected in wastewater in Haapsalu, Tapa and Tallinn.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla