Norstat poll: Eesti 200 rating drops to lowest point in last three years
While the final polls for July of NGO Institute for Societal Studies and Norstat do not reveal major changes, support for the coalition Eesti 200 party has fallen further, hitting its lowest level in the last three years.
The recent results have the ruling Reform Party on top with 28.3 percent of the potential vote, followed by opposition leader the Conservative People's Party (EKRE) on 22.8 percent and the Center Party on 17.5 percent.
The ratings of Reform and EKRE are virtually unchanged from last week, with 5.5 points between the two largest political forces. Center has found 1.9 points over the last three weeks and is 5.3 points behind the national conservatives.
The top three is followed by Isamaa (10 percent), Social Democratic Party (9.3 percent) and Eesti 200 (7 percent). The latter has lost 8.8 points since April. The last time the party's rating was this low was nearly three years ago in August 2020.
(Green – Center Party; Black – EKRE; Yellow – Reform Party; Blue – Isamaa; Red – Social Democrats; Light Green – Estonian Greens; Light Blue – Eesti 200; Orange – Parempoolsed)
The coalition has the support of 44.6 percent of respondents and the opposition parties 50.3 percent.
The recent aggregate results cover the period of June 20 to July 23 during which time 4,000 voting-age citizens were polled.
The maximum margin of error depends on the relative size of the largest group. As this was the Reform Party, the margin of error for the poll comes to +/- 1.71 percent.
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Editor: Marcus Turovski