Prime Minister expects NATO allies' commitment to increase after summit

Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Centre) has expressed his expectations from this week's NATO summit in Brussels, most notably that the talks will bring about an increase in NATO forces, particularly those of a high readiness, as well as an increased ability to move personnel both within Europe and across the Atlantic.
In an opinion piece for Daily Postimees, Mr. Ratas said that locally-stationed NATO forces are to be managed by a Danish-led Division headquarters, based in Latvia.
''The move, including that of the establishment of battlegroups, is based on earlier decisions and will help NATO and its allies to act more decisively in the event of a crisis in our region, and to provide additional support to forces already in the region," Mr. Ratas said.
According to Mr. Ratas, Estonia's security is now on a firmer footing, particularly with the participation of NATO's biggest player, the US, and the return of Canadian forces to the region, principally in Latvia.
"Stronger transatlantic ties and increased cooperation between NATO and the EU will serve to increase security for all," Mr. Ratas added.
Editor: Andrew Whyte
Source: ERR Uudised