Statistics: October retail turnover up 4 percent on year

According to information released by Statistics Estonia on Friday, the turnover of retail trade enterprises in October totaled €640 million, increasing by 4 percent on year at constant prices.
The turnover of stores selling manufactured goods increased by 4 percent.
Turnover increased the most in stores selling textiles, clothing and footwear as well as in other specialized stores, such as stores selling predominantly computers and computer accessories, books, sports equipment, games and toys, both major categories of which saw 6 percent growth on year.
Grocery store turnover, meanwhile, increased by 5 percent, while the turnover of businesses engaged in the retail sale of automotive fuel was up by 3 percent.
Compared with the previous month, the turnover of retail trade enterprises increased by 4 percent in October. According to seasonally- and working day-adjusted data, turnover remained steady on month.
In the first ten months of 2019, retail trade turnover increased by 5 percent compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.
Statistics Estonia (Statistikaamet) is a government agency under the area of governance of the Ministry of Finance, and provides public institutions, business and research circles, international organizations and individuals with reliable and objective information on the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation and trends in Estonia.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla