Hospital blood stocks low following recent traumas

Hospitals are low on donor blood after an increased number of trauma-related hemorrhages last week have depleted existing stocks.
Several patients with life-threatening hemorrhages and with long-term transfusion needs are currently under medical care in Estonian hospitals, among them a child, reported ETV news broadcast "Aktuaalne kaamera."
"Last week and this past weekend, people somehow ended up in the hospital who had lost a great deal of blood in connection with traumas," explained Blood Centre director Riin Kullaste. "Not every trauma always involves a large loss of blood, but this just ended up being the case right now."
The Blood Centre at North Estonia Medical Centre (PERH) is calling on residents to donate blood. The greatest need at the moment is for A+ and A− blood.
The center accepts first-time donors between the ages of 18-60.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla