Norstat poll sees support for Isamaa slipping

The rating of the Isamaa party, which has been crowning polls for the past months, has been inching downward again in recent weeks, the latest results of the regular Norstat survey reveal.
Based on recent results published Wednesday, Isamaa has the support of 27.5 percent of people, the Conservative People's Party (EKRE) 19.2 percent and the Reform Party 17.8 percent.
The top three are followed by the Social Democratic Party (SDE) on 14.4 percent, the Center Party on 10.8 percent and Eesti 200 on 5.1 percent.
Support for Isamaa has been gradually falling for the past five weeks and is now 2.1 points below its early March peak, the pollster said in its comment.
Coalition parties (Reform, Eesti 200 and SDE) have 37.3 percent of the potential vote, while the opposition has 57.7 percent.
The recent aggregate results cover March 11-April 8, with 4,001 voting-age citizens polled over four weeks.
Norstat also highlights only the past week's results (sample of 1,000 people), which are in places different from the aggregate ratings (sample of 4,001).
These give Isamaa 26.9 percent, EKRE 20.2 percent, Reform 18.6 percent, SDE 14.3 percent, Center 8.9 percent, Eesti 200 4.9 percent.
Norstat conducts its polls on a weekly basis, consolidating the results over the preceding four weeks, polling at least 4,000 citizens of voting age.
Norstat quizzed respondents both over the phone and online, with the sample weighted to various socio-economic indicators. The support by party noted excludes undecided responses.
The line graph above illustrates changes in party support levels since Norstat began its weekly polls in early 2019. (Key: Yellow = Reform, green = Center, black = EKRE, royal blue = Isamaa, red = SDE, light blue = Eesti 200, light green = Estonian Greens, orange = Parempoolsed).
The tables after that show the four-week aggregate figures (4 Nädala koondtulemused) and weekly figures (Iganädalased tulemused) for each party (Key: Eesti Keskerakond = Center Party; Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond = EKRE; Eesti Reformierakond = Reform; Sotisiaaldemokraatlik Erakond = SDE; Erakond Eesti Rohelised = Greens; Muu = Other parties).
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Editor: Mait Ots, Marcus Turovski