Global Estonian Report: May 5 – May 12

Between 165,000 and 200,000 Estonians are estimated to live outside the country right now, making around 15-20 percent of the total number of Estonians. With many communities being found worldwide, both in English-speaking countries and beyond, ERR News, in conjunction with the Integration Foundation (Integratsiooni Sihtasutus), has launched a weekly Global Estonian Report, which will give a weekly window into Estonian communities and culture from around the globe.
Estonian Worldwide Youth Network holds first general meeting
The Estonian Worldwide Youth Network - Ülemaailmne Eesti Noortevõrgustik (ÜENV) - recently held its first general meeting online. The network was established in October 2019 with the aim of representing the rights and interests of Estonian young people living abroad.
The goals set out in the development plan in 2021 are to create an active global network of young Estonians, to contribute to the emergence and development of global young Estonian communities, and to enhance the protection of the interests of global Estonian youth.
Any young person with Estonian roots aged 16-35 living abroad or Estonian youth association who wish to act for the purposes of the network can become a member of the network.
London Estonian Society to celebrate its 100th anniversary
London Estonian Society, one of the oldest expat Estonian societies in the world, is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year on the 7th of July. Due to the pandemic-related restrictions, the celebrations will be held virtually.
Chairman Tiia Avastu writes: "If you have a memory, story, photos or videos of the London Estonian Society, or if you just wish to wish the Society happy anniversary, please do get in touch with us at [email protected] by May 15th at the very latest. We would be delighted to share your story and content on the day of the celebration."
A revitalized role for the Estonian Central Council in Canada
This, the second in a series of articles profiling the Estonian Central Council in Canada (EKN) and Estonian Canadian communities provides a summary of key initiatives from the past five years as well as upcoming events.
Canada has one of the largest Estonian communities in the world with estimates ranging from 25,000 to 40,000 Canadians of Estonian heritage.
Young Estonians abroad: participate in co-creating a documentary
The 'Young Estonians Abroad' (Noored eestlased välismaal) project of Tartu University is inviting Estonians currently living abroad (20-40 years old) to send photo and video material about everday living in your current hometown.
The aim is to visually map the everyday living environment and activities of people from Estonia and currently living in different parts of the world. Selected material will also be included in the documentary "Põlvkond piiri taga" (Generation Beyond the Border).
VABAMU collecting photos to celebrate 30 years since the restoration of independence
August 20 marks 30 years since the restoration of Estonia's independence, and to celebrate, VABAMU (Museum of Occupations and Freedom) is putting together a traveling exhibition, for which they are collecting photos from people about the happy moments of the re-independence period. Estonians around the world are invited to participate.
Practice Estonian online in the Language Friends Program
The Integration Foundation (Integratsiooni Sihtasutus) is offering Estonian language learners the opportunity to practice communication by chatting with volunteer Estonian language mentors. The initiative falls in the foundation's Keelesõber (Language Friends) program, and takes place via e-channels.
Listen to the World Estonian View ("Hajala ringvaade") podcast
Vikerraadio's morning program "Hajala ringvaade" (World Estonian View) offers an insight into the lives and experiences of Estonians and Estonian communities abroad.
Tune into Vikerraadio on Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) every Sunday morning for "Hajala ringvaade". Last Sunday's guest was Ellen Valter who talked with host Maarja Merivoo-Parro about the plans for the innovative and future-oriented International Estonian Centre (KESKUS) in downtown Toronto.
Upcoming Online Events
Global Estonian spring event: Still together! (May 8, online)
The Association of Estonian Cultural Societies (Eesti Kultuuriseltside Ühendus) invites Estonian organizations from all over the world to participate in a virtual springtime event of global Estonian societies titled "Ikka üheskoos!" (Still together!) to be held on May 8th with an opening greeting from the Minister of Culture.
Education System Overview & and Pre- & Basic School in Estonia (May 12, online)
Wondering how the Estonian education system works? Have kids on pre-school or basic school age? Join the International House of Estonia webinar to get a basic overview of the education system in Estonia.
International House of Estonia (IHE) provides a wide range of essential information, consultations and state services for international newcomers.
Memories of Home: Erik Kreem - Classical pianist and composer (May 13, online)
The Memories of Home Online Concert Series, presented by Estonian Music Week and VEMU (Museum of Estonians Abroad), embraces the duality of having roots in one country while starting afresh in another.
Erik Kreem is an emerging Toronto-based Estonian-Canadian composer and performer eager to share his dynamic artistic voice. His music has been described as "fresh" and "inventive," whose "elements emerge with surprise" (Estonian Life), while reflecting the work of his predecessors of the past two centuries.
Virtual conversations: Language Roulette (May 18, online)
Language Roulette is a series of virtual meetings coorganized by teachers and mentors of the Estonian language houses of the Integration Foundation, which brings together people who want to practice Estonian in a new format of short conversations in the Zoom environment.
What is Global Estonian?
Global Estonian is an online portal, in Estonian and English, and network for Estonians and friends of Estonians around the world.
Managed by the Integration Foundation, Global Estonian brings together news, events, culture, organizations, support programs, learning opportunities, and a wealth of other information from Estonian communities abroad, all in one central gateway.
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Editor: Helen Wright