ERR party ratings: Russian-speakers support for Centre Party returns
The decline in the support of the Center Party among Russian speakers, which began after the Riigikogu elections, reversed in November, a poll commissioned by ERR shows, while the Reform Party continues to be the most popular party and support for Isamaa has fallen to the electoral threshold.
In November, the Reform Party was supported by 30 percent of voting-age citizens. A month earlier, the largest opposition party had the support of 32 percent of respondents. Support for Reform was highest in August at 34 percent, after which it has gradually declined.
Second in popularity in November was the Centre Party with 23 percent of support, which is an increase of four percentage points from the party's lowest in June, which was 19 percent. Their support level is now almost the same as achieved in March at the Riigikogu elections, which was 23.1 percent.
Graph 1: Party Support in November
Looking at the Centre Party's supporters there has been one significant change. During and after the Riigikogu elections, the Centre Party lost significant support among non-Estonian voters, but this rose to 64 percent in November. At the same time, the figure is still below the parliamentary elections - in January, the support of the Prime Minister's Party among non-Estonians was 78 percent.
In third place is EKRE with 17 percent support. This is almost the same level of support which the party gained at the election when it finished with 17.8 percent of the vote.
Graph 2: Party Support in August, September and October
Support for the Social Democratic Party (SDE) increased in November, rising to 11 percent. It is also a slightly better indicator than the 9.8 percent obtained in the elections.
In fifth place is the non-parliamentary Estonia 200, supported by seven per cent of voters in November, which did not pass the 5 percent threshold at the elections.
Isamaa's fall in support, which began after the elections, continued in November, dropping to five percent. The support of the smallest coalition party has not been this low since December 2018.
Other parties fell below the electoral threshold. The Estonian Green Party would be supported by 2 percent and the Richness of Life Party and the Free Party each have 1 percent support.
The total support of the three government parties was 45 percent in October and 41 per cent for the two opposition parties, but if the latter also includes the support of the non-parliamentary Estonia 200, the total support of non-government parties increases to 48 percent.
From Oct. 31 to Nov. 12, Turu-uuringute AS interviewed 1019 people, 500 of them face-to-face and 519 online. When interviewing 1,000 people, the maximum error does not exceed ± 3.10 percent.
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Editor: Helen Wright