Poll shows trust in government ministers waning

The average trust rating of government ministers from the ruling coalition of the Reform Party, Social Democrats and Eesti 200 has fallen since February, a Kantar Emor found.
Minister of Defense Hanno Pevkur (Reform) remains the most trusted government minister, followed by Minister of Education and Research Kristina Kallas (Eesti 200) and Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (Reform). The average trust rating of all ministers fell from 21 percent in February to 17 percent in March, Kantar Emor said Wednesday.
Aivar Voog, head of studies for the pollster, said that Pevkur, as the minister responsible for national security, remains the most trusted. He described Pevkur's manner as balanced and calm and said the defense minister has no direct conflicts with other politicians or the media. "The rating of former Minister of Justice Kalle Laanet, still in office when the poll was conducted, took a nose dive, going from 22 percent in February to just 13 percent this month. This was caused by the minister finding himself at the center of several scandals," Voog said.
Pevkur has the trust of 30 percent of people questioned, with Kristina Kallas clocking a rating of 26 percent.
Prime Minister Kaja Kallas follows (21 percent), Minister of the Interior Lauri Läänemets and Minister of Health Riina Sikkut (both SDE, both 20 percent), Minister of Foreign Affairs Margus Tsahkna (Eesti 200) and Minister of Culture Heidy Purga (Reform) both on 18 percent, and Minister of Climate Kristen Michal (Reform) on 17 percent.
Laanet and Minister of Regional Affairs Madis Kallas (SDE) have the trust of 13 percent of respondents, while Minister of Social Protection Signe Riisalo has to make do with a 10 percent rating.
People still place the least trust in Minister of Economic Affairs Tiit Riisalo (Eesti 200) and Minister of Finance Mart Võrklaev (Reform) whose ratings are 8 and 7 percent respectively.
Kaja Kallas and Madis Kallas were the only two ministers to see their ratings improve from February.
The data is from a nationwide Kantar Emor poll carried out between March 14-20 in which 1,215 Estonian citizens aged 16 and older were questioned.
The respondents were given a list of politicians and asked who they trust. The poll is among Kantar Emor's regular studies.
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Editor: Mait Ots, Marcus Turovski